The Parallel Non-Monetary (Eco)nomic Revolution of the 100%
8 - Module Interactive Video Workshop
ALL new ideas are concepts until they have been achieved.
Please check the video 'What is the PNME?' for a summary of the concept and 'Introduction to the PNME workshop,' for an overview of the modules.
This interactive 8 - module video workshop is to be undertaken by group participation.
It is designed to play / pause to consider each element, with a view to concretizing pathways to fulfilment.
Bookings for the 2-hour introduction presentation, or for the entire workshop: (email: paralleleconomy99@gmail.com)
In Person - East Sussex & Kent UK & ZOOM - Internationally (English language. (FREE)
National UK & International. (expenses only)
URGENT DEVELOPMENTS: Introductory TALK for: 'The Parallel Non-Monetary (Eco)nomic Revolution of the 100%'
(If you watch nothing else - please watch this)
What is the PNME? - (single-take recording).
MODULE 2 - What are the obstacles to replacing capitalism - or is a transition to post-capitalism close at hand?
i) - Is Capitalism the issue? Work? Migration? The fourth industrial revolution & A.I.?
ii) - De-bunking myths: "Infinite Growth & Consumption" / Profit / Population Explosion / De-growth. iii) - Is money an impartial, immaterial medium / conduit?
iv) - Do economists have the answers?
v) - Who predicted Post-capitalism and what would cause it?
Introduction to the PNME workshop.
MODULE 3 - What Is The Parallel Non-Monetary Economy?
i} A parallel reality to capitalism, unaccounted for?
ii) Labour v Capitalism: does capitalism undermine its own interests?
iii) Do alternative economies work? How does the PNME affect the monetary economy?
iv) Global formal labour amounts to 12.5% of the population. NO national population of 50% owns more than 5% of wealth. Are labour, trades unions & socialists FIGHTING ON THE WRONG BATTLEFIELD? WHAT IS THEIR TRUE STRENGTH?
v) - Who predicted Post-capitalism and what would cause it?
MODULE 1 - What Makes The World Go Around?
i) What was money and what is it now?
ii) What is the relationship of the global economy to everyday people?
iii) what is neoliberalism and how can it be countered?
MODULE 4 - What does it take to make an economy?
What are the advantages / disadvantages of a non-monetary circular economy? And what form can a PNME take that will alter global economics into a NON-PREJUDICIAL or non-excluding system, once and for all time?
i) What is an economy?
ii) How do you form an economy? iii) How can a parallel non-monetary economy be superior to money?
For more information, please check the more detailed posts and discussions on the Facebook link below.
With much gratitude to Uros Novak: Sunartmusic - gloppaddagloppadda - Rodway / Kalamari - for music.
MODULE 5 - Elephants In The Room
Public movements became prolific and successful after 2008, but were cut short by neoliberal economic and political trends. How does the PNME counter this against runaway financialization, neoliberalism and the rise in Right-wing governments?
i) How can the PNME be successful against financialization & neoliberalism?
ii) Does it require political ideology / conformity, or a moral imperative?
iii) Why make capitalists allies instead of enemies?
iv) What is labour's relationship to future prosperity?
v) Left v Right politics & populism: is it necessary / representative?
Module 8 - Where does the PNME lead us?
i) What is the scope of the PNME? ii) Why is it crucial for global issues & facilities, cooperation, relations? iii) How do we go about getting it implemented?
Modules 6 - 8 revisit the previous concepts, to give closer scrutiny and compare against surrounding realities.
Module 6 - Empowering the Individual & The Value of Nothing.
i) How individuals having the right to generate income by pursuing their own interests - (from birth to death) - revolutionises commerce. ii) How do CAPITALISTS ALREADY EXPLOIT THE VALUE OF NOTHING?
iii) HOW BIG are the 1% & the global economy,, really? (Illustrated in terms of height). And how would a worse-case scenario of the PNME compare, against them?
iv) What prevents EXISTING systems - (that have already freed people from monetary dependency) - and further proposed systems - (Gift / Mutual Aid / Socialist / Ethical / Libertarian economies & The Green New Deal) - from replacing money?
v) How does THE VALUE OF NOTHING bring about a post-capitalist society, even for the 1% elite?
Module 7 - How does the PNME become the economy of the 100%?
(This is not an information video - it is one of the culminating interactive workshops for participating collectives to explore together).
Modules 7+8 Are interlinked and slightly different to each other: 7 explores the EFFECT the PNME can have on specific sectors and who we can connect with to start concretizing the PNME.
i) What processes can facilitate the PNME?
ii) What is the most practical form it can take?
iii) Who do we need to engage to bring it about?
iv) Consider the PNME impact upon: individuals : collective empowerment : law : politics labour relations : commerce : production & practices : standards oppressive regimes : crime : gangs : extremist factions migration : international relationships : money social facilities : education : diverse culture : localisation eco-recovery.